Questions tagged [tag-synonyms]

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Why are there two tags about the "show" and "tell" advice?

I came across a question tagged both show-dont-tell and showing-telling. There is a tag wiki for the second but not the first. It says: This tag should be used for questions about the [technique] of &...
Kate Gregory's user avatar
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Do we need a [characterization] tag or redirect?

I was writing a question when I noticed there was no tag for characterization, only "characters", which seems to serve the same purpose. I was thinking this might be a bit confusing because &...
user2352714's user avatar
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Do we need three tags about voices?

We currently have three tags about voices: voice, passive-voice, and voice-choice. Here are the definitions: voice: "This tag should be used for questions about the usage of a literary voice in your ...
PoorYorick's user avatar
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I don't understand tag synonyms

Okay, I don't get this at all. When I've seen synonyms elsewhere (even elsewhere here), they just point to the main tag. You can still choose to add the synonym to a question but it will show up as ...
Cyn's user avatar
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Do we need a mythology/folklore tag?

I'm looking at this new question What are the components of a legend (in the sense of a tale, not a figure legend)? and went to add a mythology tag, but we don't have one! We also don't have ...
Cyn's user avatar
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Can kindle be a synonym of amazon?

We have two overlapping tags: kindle (33 questions) This tag should be used for questions related to publishing on Amazon's Kindle, a tool to read E-Books. This tag should be used for ...
Cyn's user avatar
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Documentation, api-documentation and software-documentation tags

I've stumbled on the software-documentation and api-documentation tags today, but funnily enough, there was no generic "documentation" tag that could gather all-documentation related issues. So, i've ...
Liquid's user avatar
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Sorting out tags about pictures

So we've got: illustrations — 29 questions — created Dec 14 '15, first asked Nov 21 '10 Worth a thousand words Questions about using images in a work. How to find an illustrator, how to ...
Cyn's user avatar
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Why is there a tag for [ellipsis]?

So we have a question asking about "ellipses." Which is the plural of ellipsis. Except it's not. The post itself is kind of a non-sequitur, because the poster used the ellipsis tag and the plural ...
Cyn's user avatar
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What is the difference between [characters] and [character-development]?

After answering this question: Character is onscreen for three seconds I took a look at the tags. characters and plot I added character-development but realized I didn't know if I should delete ...
Cyn's user avatar
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POV and Grammatical Person tags

Should we turn the pov into a synonym of the grammatical-person tag? For the purposes of this site, I think they're more or less the same thing.
Goodbye Stack Exchange's user avatar
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Tags "openings" and "first-line": merge / synonyms?

The tags openings and first-line seem to cover roughly the same thing. "First line" is a sub-category than "openings", but it's not like the broader tag sees so much use that it needs to be subdivided ...
Galastel supports GoFundMonica's user avatar
9 votes
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What's the difference between [script] and [scriptwriting]?

Some time ago Έρικ Κωνσταντόπουλος (Erik the Outgolfer) mentioned the following in the chat: I've noticed there are both script and scriptwriting, sometimes on the same question too! Both tags ...
Secespitus's user avatar
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Fiction vs Creative-Writing

We currently have two tags that describe basically the same thing: Fiction and Creative-Writing. Fiction is described as "a form of prose writing that deals with at least partly artificial or imagined ...
White Eagle's user avatar
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"Fair-use" and "copyright" tags

We have four questions using the fair-use tag, and all of them are questions about fair use of a copyrighted work. All fair-use questions are, by definition, going to be copyright questions. Is ...
Goodbye Stack Exchange's user avatar
2 votes
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Tags "Erotica" and "Sex": Merge or synonyms?

Both erotica and sex seem to cover roughly the same domain of writing. Perhaps they should be merged or else be added as synonyms?
Pravesh Parekh's user avatar
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Should the tag "Verse" be merged with "Poetry"?

A verse would come to mean a poetic composition, right? In that light we could perhaps merge verse and poetry?
Pravesh Parekh's user avatar
4 votes
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Should [tag:publishing] be a synonym of [tag:publication]

The tag publication and the tag publishing seems to be very close, and the questions tagged 'publication' can be tagged 'publishing' in my opinion. So I think they can be synonyms. If they can't, ...
Shkeil's user avatar
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Should [tag:methods] be a synonym of [tag:technique]

The tag methods does not have a wiki summary, but (based on the name and the first portion of the four questions so tagged) it seems likely it should be a synonym for technique (which tag is used by ...
user avatar
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Should [character-development] be a synonym for [character]?

Do we need separate tags for character-development and plain ol' character? Can we define a simple, meaningful, and useful distinction between the two? If not, I suggest we synonymize 'em up good.
Standback's user avatar
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